Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Fun

Hey there! It's Friday. The most glorious day of the week! I've been a little MIA this week but I feel like I've just been so BUSY. Today is the day. I am going to Iowa for the weekend. I double checked my tickets. I'm booked for the right day. My bags are packed. I even made Nick food to eat for the weekend with out me. I AM PREPARED! Nothing is going to stop me now! Unless TSA decides so throw out a bunch of my products and make me choose which shampoo and lotions I like more than the others. It's really hard to decide. It's happened. My poor, poor self tanner just tossed away in front of me at the Dallas airport. Heartbreaking.

My outfit pictures are from yesterday. I know, I'm totally cheating. I just didn't have time to post yesterday. We had a flip-cup party for one of my bosses at work. Yes, flip cup at work. Needless to say I was a wee bit rusty. One Flip Nelson was having some issues. Maybe because I'm not a Nelson anymore? Still, we had a great time. After that Nick and I went out for a little date since I would be gone for the weekend. We hit up Big Star. It's a taco joint in Wicker Park and my goodness it's tasty. We came home to find out Loki really likes footwear. My favorite cat slippers were demolished. Yes, I can see the irony in that. He also somehow managed to slip off his collar and chew that apart. The dog is a chewer. So a new collar is needed for Loki and I am in desperate need of new cat slippers.

My Nunu! She snaps some of my blog photos. Also, bun buddies!
Sweater: Madewell 
Tank: Forever 21 
Jeans: LOFT 
Boots: DSW (on sale!) 
Necklace: Forever 21- Similar here 
Watch: Michael Kors

1 comment:

  1. OMG...Flip Cup Party at work pic made it on the blog, so much fun!!! : )
