I'm back in the alley! It wasn't haunted this time either but it was empty! Usually there are a ton of people chilling or walking through this alley but this afternoon it was all mine. This outfit is a little grunge. Muted floral and combat boots. This is also my first time wearing tights to work this season. Tights are definitely made for 9-5. When I get home it's like race to get them off. Like I'm going to explode if my tights are not off in the first 40 seconds of walking in the door. They sure look cute though!
So these pictures are from yesterday. Yesterday was a little bit of an emotional roller coaster for me. I'll start from the beginning. So Mon-Wed our dog walker Bill comes around lunch time to walk Loki. Thursdays I go home over lunch and walk him and Friday Nick works from home and walks him. Loki gets to chill in the main parts of the house and the cats are confined to the bedroom. Well I left the door open to the bedroom. And I get a text from Bill saying the door was left open and there was a bunch of paper shreds everywhere and things looked askew. Loki has a vendetta against Kleenex boxes when we leave so I assumed that was the paper everywhere but then I couldn't let it go that something else had happened. Did he eat Nick's Ugg slippers? Did he chew up the bedding? Are the cats still alive?! I couldn't take the suspense so I decided to run home really quick. I got home and Loki already looked guilty. When I opened the bedroom door I saw the paper was indeed Kleenex. A slipper was on the other side of the room but there was no damage done. The bedding was messed up but nothing chewed. And then I saw him. My beloved teddy bear, Teddy. His eyes. Completely chewed off. I was devastated! So now you are thinking. Teddy bear? A 26 year old married woman and a teddy bear? Yes. I still sleep with Teddy. Every night. He has been my main man since the day of my birth and I'm not letting go anytime soon. Anyone who knows me well knows about Teddy and knows how deep our bond really is. So I get a little emotional and call my mom. No answer. Call my brother. He answers. I break down.
Katie: "(Sniffle sniffle)Loki ate off Teddy's eyeballs!!!"
Kyle: "(Stifles laugh)OH NO! What happened?!"
Can you imagine your adult sister calling you to cry about her Teddy bear's eyeballs?! How ridiculous! Kyle handled it so well. Shortly after I got off the phone with him I got a text from him with a link to teddy bear replacement eyes. "Teddy's getting LASIK!" What a good brother. I felt so silly when I finally calmed down. Needless to say, yesterday was just a little rough. Loki got a firm talking but I can't stay mad at that fluff ball for long. I do have a feeling he wont be touching Teddy anytime soon though.
"The alley is all mine" twirl |
Also! Meet the woman behind the iphone, Nuhamin! Isn't she the cutest?! She is pretty darn fashionable herself. I am totally buying the shoes she is wearing in this. They RULE. Love you Nunu!