More outfit pictures at the end! |
And I'm back! Did you miss me? I most definitely missed you! What do you think of my new look? And yes, my bangs have FINALLY grown out but I mean my blog! My brother worked some magic again and tweaked things a little bit. This feels more me. And I absolutely love it. He is a genius.
So I took a little breather from blogging. It gets a little exhausting trying to look completely put together all the time and I'll just admit I was in a little bit of a fashion funk. I think I'm starting to hone in on what exactly I want "my look" to be. I've always been WAY across the board with my clothes. I am girly one day, and wearing leather and studs the next, and then I'll be completely preppy! This isn't a bad thing at all but recently I have come to find myself wanting to have just this one uniquely Katie style. Essentially, it's a style that combines all of my favorite elements from every sort of look.
A sad but true fact is I'm not a fan of wearing much color. I always gravitate towards blacks and neutrals. Always have and always will. We can thank Grandma Judy for that. My mom is wonderful with color. She looks radiant in coral. And her blue eyes POP when she wears that perfect shade of blue. She totally owns it. And I LOVE the way she styles herself. For myself, I just love the chic simplicity of black and white. I will fall in love with a piece of clothing that is colorful and there it will hang in my closet just wanting to be worn. Don't get me wrong. I love me some color. I love how different colors make you feel and how they compliment each other. I'm a big fan of pops of color. You know, to compliment all the black and white I'm wearing. Also, when you wear simple colors all of your clothes go together! It's like Garanimals! You can mix and match everything and have so many outfits. Do you people remember Garanimals or am I way off base with that reference? Whatever, go to the link. You will understand.
So there is a fairly lengthy explanation of what's going on in my head about fashion. I'm trying to go quality over quantity. Simple, chic, Katie.
New things in my life:
-My dog is better than yours. Seriously. He's the best dog in the word.
-My brother and my friend Megan came to visit me in Chicago within two weeks of each other. It was the absolute best.
-Camping trip in Iowa with my parents is coming up next weekend. Can't wait to get my camp on.
-Next month, Nick and I will be married for a year. Say what?!
-To celebrate a year of marriage we are taking a European vacation in August! Budapest, Vienna, and Prague. I am BEYOND excited.
Photo Credit: Chrissy Bruzek |
Top: LOFT (Similar here)
Skirt: Target
Cardigan: Forever 21
Shoes: Zara (love these)
Bag: Zara
Necklace: Forever 21 (Similar here)
Watch: Michael Kors
Sunglasses: LOFT ( Similar here)